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歌曲: 《傷情路》 (中文粵語) Song: (Sad Love Road) (Chinese Cantonese)

Updated: Nov 4, 2023

歌曲: 《傷情路》(中文粵語歌)

唱感想:有一個人不懂得珍惜另一個人, 不滿足, 分開之後才發覺還是他最好, 無奈地已經太遲了。 唱這首歌後覺得高興, 因為現在學會滿足擁有的一切多一些。

請分享我的博客, 亦可以聯絡我關於唱歌表演機會和唱歌比賽。 謝謝。

Song: (Sad Love Road) (Chinese Cantonese song)

Singing Thoughts: There is a person who does not know how to cherish another person and is not satisfied. After separation, she realizes that he is the best, but it is too late.  After singing this song, I feel happy because now I have learned to be content with everything I have.

Please share my blog and contact me about singing performance venues and competitions. Thank you.

謝謝支持我的歌星夢, 我會唱更多歌給你們欣賞。

Thank you for supporting my SINGER DREAM.  I will sing more songs for you to enjoy.

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