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  • Writer's picturePrincessE

歌曲: 《似水流年》(中文粵語)Song: (Years Flow Like Water) (Chinese Cantonese)

Updated: Nov 4, 2023


唱感想:一個人對人生的感觸, 唱完這首歌後, 令我會好好珍惜我的人生, 追隨自己的夢, 不要讓時間流逝。

這個是關於一個女孩子追夢的故事。 從小就喜歡唱歌, 享往在鏡頭前表演的她, 直到很久才真正向親人朋友表達她的夢想。 她開始覺得滿足, 人生過得有意義。 我們遲追夢比沒有追夢好。


請分享我的博客, 亦可以聯絡我關於唱歌表演項目和比賽。 謝謝。

Song name: Years Flow Like Water

Singing Thoughts: A person's feelings about life.  After singing this song, I will cherish my life, follow my dreams, and do not let time pass by.

This is a story about a girl chasing her dream. She has loved singing and performing in front of the camera since she was a child, but it was not until a long time later that she truly expressed her dream to her family and friends. She feels more fulfilling and meaningful in life. It is better to pursue our dream than never.

If you want to continue reading interesting stories, please subscribe to my blog.

Please share my blog and contact me about singing performance venues and competitions. Thank you.

謝謝支持我的歌星夢, 我會唱更多歌給你們欣賞。

Thank you for supporting my SINGER DREAM.  I will sing more songs for you to enjoy.

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