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歌曲: 《不會道別》 (中文粵語) Song: (Can't Say Goodbye) (Chinese Cantonese)

Updated: Oct 22, 2023

電視劇集:《你好,我的大夫》歌曲: 《不會道別》(中文粵語歌)

唱感想:兩個人從少認識、相愛, 分開十年後再遇, 兩人仍然深愛對方, 但又覺得無奈, 應否再一起? 唱後有點無奈的感覺, 但又有點期待的感覺, 我有時忽略緣份的可貴, 所以現在我學會珍惜多一點。

請分享我的博客, 亦可以聯絡我關於唱歌表演項目和比賽。 謝謝。

TV Drama: (Let Me Take Your Pulse) 

Song: (Can't Say Goodbye) (Chinese Cantonese song)

Singing Thoughts: Two people have known and fallen in love since childhood. They met again after being separated for ten years. They still love each other deeply, but they feel helpless. Should they get back together again? After singing the song gives a helpless feeling, but have a hopeful feeling. I sometimes do not pay attention to how precious destiny is, so I learn to cherish it more now.

Please share my blog and contact me about singing performance venues and competitions. Thank you.

謝謝支持我的歌星夢, 我會唱更多歌給你們欣賞。

Thank you for supporting my SINGER DREAM.  I will sing more songs for you to enjoy.

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